

Enabling networks of people, organisations, AI agents, and physical devices to generate Verifiable Impacts, at an Internet-scale.



Passing Treshold


Members Voted

13 / 22

In Favor


My Vote


Carbon Credits


Clean Cooking


Lusaka, Zambia

Emission Reductions

128 kgCO2



Impact Asset


Emissions Reduction Claim


Date Submitted

12 Apr 2024

Verification Agent

Carbon Oracle

Impact Credits



Endorsed by the UC Berkeley
Carbon Trading Project

Based on the most comprehensive peer-reviewed scientific study of clean cooking projects,  the Emerging Cooking Solutions decentralised digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification (dMRV) system built on the IXO Platform is cited as one of the few examples of Clean Cooking Projects that are generating high-quality Carbon Credits.

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Adaptive Financing for Quality Primary Education Technologies in India

Learn more about our multi-year research and development collaboration with UBS Next and the UBS Optimus Foundation in this short video that explains our innovative decentralised outcomes-based financing innovation for educational technologies in India.

UBS Video

Launching Zero 2034 with VentureRock

VentureRock and IXO have launched the VentureRock Asia fund and our venture studios focused on Deep Tech, AI, and Impact. The launch was announced on an official event hosted by the Dutch Embassy of Singapore, aboard the historic sailing ship The City of Amsterdam.

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Featured in Liechtenstein Finance

Thinking in Generations is the theme of the latest brochure promoting the Liechtenstein Finance Centre, and its lead article features IXO, describing how new technologies promote sustainability.


Frontier Domains

We have built the world's most advanced digital operating systems for coordinating, financing, verifying, governing, and using intelligence for social, environmental and climate Impacts.

Energy Systems

Powering Homes with Natural Energy

From modern energy cooking to solar irrigation and sustainable mobility, we provide operating systems for clean energy transition that empower emerging economies.

Cooking icon

Modern Energy Cooking

Electric charger icon

Battery Power

Wind energy icon

Renewable Energy

Water Systems

Flowing clean water worldwide

We provide spatial web operating systems for communities managing watershed systems, water purification technology providers, and water savings initiatives.

Tubes sample icon

Water Quality Monitoring

Water faucet icon

Water Accessibility

Education Systems

Educating for the Future

We provide digital operating systems for financing access to personalised education technologies, and that provide learning, earning and entrepreneurship opportunities to youth in the Green Economy

Education icon

Primary Education

Connectivity icon

Internet Access

Social heart icon

Youth Opportunities

Health Systems

A Digital Immune System for Humanity

Using verifiable data and spatial web technologies to bring greater intelligence and  incentives to stop disease transmission and promote health prevention and better healthcare access

Healthcare icon

Healthcare Access

Genomics icon

Pathogen Genomics

Wholistic trust icon

Longevity Research

Nature's Systems

Protecting and Regenerating Nature

We provide spatial web operating systems for monitoring biodiversity, soil health, and ocean pollution, with mechanisms to include local stakeholders in regenerative economies

Ocean icon


Tree icon


Land use icon

Land Use

Energy Systems

Powering Homes with Natural Energy

From modern energy cooking to solar irrigation and sustainable mobility, we provide operating systems for clean energy transition that empower emerging economies.

Cooking icon

Modern Energy Cooking

Electric charger icon

Battery Power

Wind energy icon

Renewable Energy

Water Systems

Flowing clean water worldwide

We provide spatial web operating systems for communities managing watershed systems, water purification technology providers, and water savings initiatives.

Tubes sample icon

Water Quality Monitoring

Water faucet icon

Water Accessibility

Education Systems

Educating for the Future

We provide digital operating systems for financing access to personalised education technologies, and that provide learning, earning and entrepreneurship opportunities to youth in the Green Economy

Education icon

Primary Education

Connectivity icon

Internet Access

Social heart icon

Youth Opportunities

Health Systems

A Digital Immune System for Humanity

Using verifiable data and spatial web technologies to bring greater intelligence and  incentives to stop disease transmission and promote health prevention and better healthcare access

Healthcare icon

Healthcare Access

Genomics icon

Pathogen Genomics

Wholistic trust icon

Longevity Research

Nature's SYSTEMS

Protecting and Regenerating Nature

We provide spatial web operating systems for monitoring biodiversity, soil health, and ocean pollution, with mechanisms to include local stakeholders in regenerative economies

Ocean icon


Tree icon


Land use icon

Land Use

Spatial Web Powered

We provide protocols, infrastructure, and services that enable interconnected decentralised networks of agents to build new sustainable economies across physical and virtual domains.

DAOs icon


Coordinate networks of people, organisations, and AI agents within a domain, towards achieving shared goals with the most advanced governance and accountability mechanisms for making decisions and managing shared resources. Enables cooperative ownership models with enhanced participation and communication mechanisms.

Projects icon


Implement projects within public or private domains, with capabilities to manage agents, project resources, and secure communications. Collect verifiable claims and have these processed by internal or third-party Oracle services that can automate payments, distributions of incentives, and generate digital assets.

Protocols icon


Define the rules, norms and standards for a Domain, with templates and schemas, methodologies and systems for processing data, encoding sophisticated business and evaluation logic for organisations, human agents, and oracle services that are augmented by artificial intelligence and data.

Assets icon


Tokenise real-world assets as digital twin NFTs that have their own domain of verifiable credential certificates, services, linked resources, accorded rights, linked claims, accounts, and built-in governance mechanisms.

Investments icon


Issue instruments to form and distribute capital for outcomes-based financing, with automated algorithmic pricing mechanisms that can adapt to risk signals or changes within another domain. Comply with regulations by managing rights and authorisations, using digital identifiers and verifiable credentials.

Oracles icon


Offer services within a specialised domain of expertise and with artificial intelligence that can be verifiably delivered to other domains, with automated fee payment mechanisms. Configures agentic systems to be well-governed, safe, auditable, and accountable.

Governance accepted icon

Digital Identifiers

Register and authenticate Agents with self-sovereign decentralised identifiers (DIDs) that implement new Web Standards (from W3C) for identification, authentication, data sovereignty and privacy.

Data components icon

Smart Accounts

Hold and transact with digital assets of all types within a domain, using advanced governance mechanisms,  multi-factor authentication, user-friendly account recovery mechanisms, and smart contract logic.

Data privacy icon

Verifiable Credentials

Issue and rely on digital claims and certifications related to any Agent, which are encoded with rich graphs of structured, machine-readable data, and cryptographic proofs.

Chart bubble icon

Data Matrix

Store stateful data and streams of structured data for each domain within federations of secure, private sovereign data stores that are end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). Enables  sophisticated bot integrations, and decentralised file storage using services such as IPFS.

Trust giving icon

Accorded Rights

Delegate authorisations for Agents to execute capabilities that enable people, machines, and agentic AI to securely interact within digital domains. Or assign juristic rights that are  enforceable in physical domains and legal systems.

Icon of linked resources.

Linked Resources

Provide Agents with access to all types of media and data using verifiable links, with cryptographic proofs that resources have not been tampered with.

Cloud systems icon

Service Routing

Register and govern the endpoints for all types of Web 2.0 or Web 3.0 software services that enable human agents, software agents, and autonomous AI agents to interface with and operate within trusted domains.

Icon of a target.

Linked Claims

Collect and process verifiable claims from authorised agents, with automated immediate or scheduled payments for claim submissions and approvals. Enables data from any source to be fused into the digital state-space of a Domain.

Data container icon


Encode rights and real-world or virtual resources as digital assets that can be owned, traded, used in decentralised finance (deFI), or to implement governance and incentive mechanisms across blockchain networks. Manage and track the entire life-cycle of an asset within economic systems.

AI trust icon


Assure the identity of economic agents to prevent financial crimes, detect suspicious transactions with causal intelligence, and enhance investor protection with advanced capability-based authorisation mechanisms.

Cloud privacy icon


Verify the credentials of economic agents and the Impacts they have generated, using rich graphs of linked data and claims, based on standard schemas and protocols, with privacy-preserving cryptographic proofs.

Transaction icon


Make and receive digital payments, automate payment flows and distributions, exchange assets, and participate in decentralised economies with advanced interchain routing across blockchain networks.

Global finances icon

Decentralised Financing

IXO supports innovative financing models like outcome-based and impact investing, providing tools to manage, verify, and optimize the flow of funds for maximum social and environmental returns.

Icon of a pie chart.


Manage portfolios of digital assets within autonomously controlled organisational, project, asset, investment, and agent domains, with advanced governance, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.

Learn More

Learn more about the IXO Protocol, that updates the Data Graph of the network

IXO Protocol


Modern Energy Cooking

The Emerging Platform is a digital flywheel for financing, verifying, and scaling household access to modern energy cooking devices and fuelling the Green Economy in emerging markets.

How it Works

Youth Opportunties

The UNICEF-led Yoma Impacts Platform matches young people in developing countries to learning, earning, and entrepreneurship opportunities in the Green Economy. This vibrant decentralised marketplace is supported by a fast-growing ecosystem of youth networks, employers, skills-development agencies, investors, training institutions, and multi-national corporations.


Start building with intelligence

Our intelligent domain agents will guide you on your journey.

IXO Oracle